Guinea Pig

 About guinea pig

guinea pig, (Cavia porcellus), a trained type of South American rat having a place with the cavy family (Caviidae). It looks like different cavies in having a powerful body with short appendages, enormous heads and eyes, and short ears. The feet have bare bottoms and short sharp paws. There are four toes on the forefeet and three on the rear feet. A few types of tamed guinea pigs exist, which are here and there gathered by coat surface and hair length. The term guinea pig is likewise utilized conversationally to allude to an individual guinea pig in a trial.

Among rodents, homegrown guinea pigs are genuinely huge, gauging 500 to 1,500 grams (approximately 1 to 3 pounds) and having a body 20 to 40 cm (8 to 16 inches) long. The tail isn't apparent remotely. There is a peak of long hairs at the neck, yet the length and surface of the fur shift from smooth (short or long) to coarse and short or long and plush. Tinge is an incredible factor: the coat might be white, cream, tan, rosy or chocolate brown, dark, or a consolidated example.

Guinea pigs eat vegetation and don't expect water to be drunk whenever provided with adequately wet food, yet they should have water whenever took care of dry business food. They breed the entire year in bondage. Females endure to 13 youthful per litter (4 is normal); development requires 68 days. Albeit the youth can hasten about and eat strong food the day they are conceived, they are not completely weaned for around three weeks. Females mature in two months, guys in three, and hostage guinea pigs satisfy eight years, albeit three to five is regular.

No regular populace of this species exists in nature. Guinea pigs were obviously trained over quite a while back in Peru, concurring with people's progress from an itinerant to a rural way of life. The Incas kept guinea pigs, and the creatures were reproduced during a similar period by different individuals who lived along the Andes Mountains from northwestern Venezuela to focal Chile. These rodents stay a reasonable food hotspot for the local people groups of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, who either keep them in their homes or permit them to rummage openly both inside and out. Guinea pigs were taken to Europe in the sixteenth 100 years, and since the 1800s they have been famous as pets. They are likewise utilized universally as lab creatures for investigations of life structures, nourishment, hereditary qualities, toxicology, pathology, serum improvement, and other examination programs.


The beginning of the casual name guinea pig is a subject of much discussion. The initial segment of the name might have been gotten from the cost of the creature in sixteenth and seventeenth-century Britain — that is, conceivably one guinea — or it might have emerged from the creatures' being conveyed to European business sectors after first being moved to ships in quite a while in Guinea. The moniker could likewise have begun with a misspoke type of the word Guiana, the name of the locale where some guinea pigs were gathered. Another conceivable historical background is from the name of the class of boats — the Guineamen — that shipped the creature. These were vessels that made ports in West Africa as a feature of the overseas slave exchange. The second piece of the name likewise started with Europeans, who looked at the screeching sound the creature made (as well as the flavor of its cooked tissue) to that of a pig.

There are five nondomesticated individuals from the variety Cavia that are additionally called guinea pigs: the Brazilian guinea pig (C. aperea) found from Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guianas south to northern Argentina; the sparkling guinea pig (C. fulgida), possessing eastern Brazil; the montane guinea pig (C. Tschudi), going from Peru to northern Chile and northwestern Argentina; the more noteworthy guinea pig (C. Magna), happening in southeastern Brazil and Uruguay; and the Moleques do Sul guinea pig (C. intermedia), which is restricted to an island in the Moleques do Sul archipelago off the southern shore of Brazil. Reproducing and sub-atomic investigations recommend that the homegrown guinea pig was gotten from one of the wild Brazilian, gleaming, or montane species.

Common guinea pig appearance and conduct


·         Simple to deal with when appropriately mingled

·         Guinea pigs incline toward an everyday practice with a comparative time for playing, taking care of, and resting every day

·         Guinea pigs will conceal in objects yet will come out when individuals are close to their territory

·         Guinea pigs are functioning and cordial pets, however, need time to adapt to new conditions and to be mingled

·         Their teeth are open-established and develop ceaselessly all through their life. They need to bite on roughage, mineral bites, and bite sticks, as well as toys and treats that urge chewing to wear out their teeth as they develop, or they might foster dental issues


Care Trouble

Good novice pet for families

Normal Life expectancy

Up to 8 years with legitimate consideration

Normal Grown-up Size

8-10 inches



Least Natural surroundings Size

36"L x 30"W x 18"H least (around 7.5 square feet per guinea pig)




·         Properly measured natural surroundings

·         Top-notch pelleted guinea pig food

·         Timothy or other grass roughage

·         Treats

·         Bedding

·         Food bowl/water bottle

·         Hideout place

·         Toys

·         Roughage rack

·         Wood bites

·         Mineral bites

·         L-ascorbic acid enhancement

·         Delicate brush and nail trimmers

·         Cardboard bite tubes

Guinea pig habitat

habitat size


A base 36"L x 30"W x 18"H departure resistant, very much ventilated living space with a strong ground surface to keep foot wounds from creating and a lot of space for exercise and play makes a decent home for one guinea pig. Give the biggest natural surroundings conceivable.

Building your territory


Guinea pigs adjust well to average family temperatures; natural temperatures shouldn't surpass 80°F, as guinea pigs are probably going to overheat at high temperatures. The environment ought to never be in direct daylight or in a drafty region.


·         Bedding - 1-2 crawls of sheet material ought to be set in the living space. Legitimate sheet material incorporates excellent paper-based sheet material, either monetarily accessible destroyed or pelleted paper bedding intended to ingest byproducts. Paper-based items are liked over wood bedding, as they are absorbable whenever ingested. Ingested wood bedding can prompt gastrointestinal impediment. Cedar-based items likewise contain oils that can bother guinea pigs' skin and respiratory parcel

·         Stylistic theme - Guinea pigs ought to be given a concealed box for protection. Every guinea pig in a living space ought to have their own stowaway. Industrially accessible conceal boxes produced using hard plastic, wood, consumable materials, or cardboard that is made to be bitten are adequate as concealing boxes

What Do Guinea Pigs Eat


An even guinea pig diet comprises:


·         Excellent pelleted food figured out explicitly for guinea pigs and presented in restricted amounts (about ¼ cup each day)

·         Limitless measures of timothy feed (or other grass roughage, for example, plantation grass, oat, or knoll roughage)

·         Hay roughage contains higher measures of calcium, fat, and protein and is fine for youthful, developing guinea pigs, as well with respect to lactating and rearing guinea pigs, however, ought not to be taken care of by grown-ups besides as an intermittent treat. An overabundance of hay taken care of by grown-ups can prompt corpulence and the advancement of bladder stones

·         Restricted measures of vegetables and organic products

·         Salad greens and ringer peppers are extraordinary wellsprings of L-ascorbic acid for guinea pigs. Modest quantities of high-fiber organic products, for example, apples and pears might be given as treats incidentally also. The abundance of natural products or pelleted food contains a lot of sugar and can disturb the typical equilibrium of microbes in guinea pigs' digestive systems. It can likewise prompt looseness of the bowels, bulging and diminished craving

·         Since guinea pigs can't make L-ascorbic acid in their bodies, they expect 30 to 50 mg of L-ascorbic acid day to day from excellent pelleted food, L-ascorbic acid enhancements, and vegetables high in L-ascorbic acid

·         Spotless, new, separated, sans chlorine water, changed every day, ought to be presented in a water bottle


·         Things to recollect while taking care of your guinea pig:


·         New food, timothy or other grass feed, and water ought to be offered every day and accessible over the course of the day

·         New vegetables with more modest measures of organic products can be given every day except shouldn't surpass 10% of their complete eating routine

·         Vegetables and natural products not eaten in something like 10 hours ought to be disposed of or they might become ruined and can be a wellspring of contamination whenever consumed

·         Try not to take care of chocolate, caffeine, or liquor, as these are harmful to guinea pigs and can cause serious ailments and passing. Stay away from sugar and high-fat treats, as guinea pigs' digestive systems are not adjusted to process these food varieties

Instructions to deal with your guinea pig


·         Guinea pigs stay clean and seldom need showers yet can be spot-cleaned with a sodden washcloth and unmedicated, gentle cleanser (completely flushed off) or unscented child wipes, if necessary

·         Fur might be brushed with a delicate brush. Long-haired guinea pigs ought to be brushed a couple of times each week to diminish hair ingestion and forestall tangles

·         Bare guinea pigs benefit from a limited quantity of nontoxic, aloe-based salve scoured onto their skin to assist with keeping it delicate

·         Guinea pigs need their nails cut roughly one time each month

·         While other rodents' teeth are canvassed in the yellow finish, guinea pigs' veneer ought to be white. Stained teeth in guinea pigs ought to be analyzed by a veterinarian

·         Counsel a veterinarian on the off chance that a guinea pig's teeth or nails appear to be excessively lengthy or on the other hand in the event that they are salivating unreasonably or dropping food as they eat

Living space mates


Guinea pigs might be kept in same-sex matches assuming they are raised together; in any case, keep grown-up guinea pigs housed independently. Guys and females ought not to be housed together except if the guys are fixed or the females are neutered, as guinea pigs duplicate rapidly after only a couple of long periods old enough. Various types of little creatures ought not to be housed together. Specifically, hares and guinea pigs ought to never be housed together, as each conveys microbes in their respiratory parcels that can cause sickness in the other one.

Guinea pig wellbeing


Indications of a sound guinea pig


·         Dynamic, ready, and amiable

·         Eats and beverages consistently

·         Passes typical pelleted stool

·         Sound fur and skin (not irritated, no going bald)

·         Eyes, nose, and mouth liberated from release (mucoid tear creation is typical)

·         Breathing is unlabored

·         Strolls typically

·         Conveys by squeaking

Warnings (Assuming that you notice any of these signs, contact your veterinarian.)


·         Weight reduction

·         Strange balding

·         Irritated, scabbed skin

·         Looseness of the bowels or filthy base

·         Absence of waste pellets

·         Troubled relaxing

·         Torpidity

·         Eye or nasal release

·         Slobbering

·         Skin injuries

·         Congested teeth

·         Toiled relaxing

Common guinea pig Health Issues

Medical problem

Symptoms or Causes

Suggested Activity

The runs

Loose stool is brought about by a horrible eating routine (absence of fiber/too little feed/overabundance of carbs/such a large number of pellets), stress, inward parasites, messy lodging, or another disease. Counsel a veterinarian to decide the cause and treatment.



Overgrown teeth. Slobbering, dropping food, powerlessness to close the mouth, weight reduction. Counsel a veterinarian to have teeth managed routinely.



External parasites can cause guinea pigs to lose patches of hair and be bothersome. With parasite pervasion, bugs cover the skin and cause extraordinary tingling and seizures. Counsel a veterinarian for treatment. Exhaustive ecological sanitization and cleanup.



Skin disease brought about by organisms appeared as sketchy balding and dry flaky skin, particularly around the face and ears. Counsel a veterinarian. Intensive natural sanitization and cleanup.



A sickness brought about by L-ascorbic acid insufficiency bringing about unfortunate hunger, sore joints, expanded defenselessness to contamination and chest, and draining from the gums. On the off chance that untreated, can be fatal. Consult a veterinarian right away.



Discharge from eyes, nose. Trouble relaxing. Wheezing and hacking. Counsel a veterinarian right away.


Pododermatitis (sore foot or bumblefoot)

Red skin, scabs, or open injuries on the lower part of feet. Weakness, torment while strolling, resting more regularly. Brought about by messy, sodden living space conditions, and stoutness. Counsel a veterinarian. Completely spotless and clean the climate. Give dry sheet material. Guarantee a reasonable eating routine is given.



Fun Facts About Guinea Pigs

1.       They don't come from Guinea.

2.       They are not connected with pigs by any stretch of the imagination.

3.       They don't continue ahead with bunnies.

4.       They like to talk to one another.

5.       They fragrance mark their stuff.

6.       They just rest for brief periods.

7.       They can break dance.

8.       They have an odd number of toes.

9.       They are quick students.

10.   They need nutrient enhancements.

11.   They need to eat endlessly bunches of feed.

12.   They can carry on with very lengthy existences.

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